My Background

Sunday, 31 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 30 - Wimbledon Half Marathon!


Day 30 = Wimbledon Half Marathon today! Early start and walk to station in the rain. Wimbledon seems like an actual mission to get to. Ditched public transport at Clapham but slightly underestimated how far it was from Clapham to the start of the race. On the plus side I got some extra miles in before the race, but on the downside I was still half asleep and forgot to start my watch, so it's as if they never happened. Gutted!
Met some really nice people today along the way, who were interested in the fundraising, and it was great to talk about it, and to remember again why I am doing this. And the nice guy I met on the way who had some top tips about the start of the race, which were really helpful! As the first mile or so was quite a steep uphill and quite uneven and muddy and busy with all the runners jostling for space - but due to knowing that it only lasted a mile or it doesn't seem so stressful! Once up onto the common it was flat for the rest of the lap, and the tracks were wider and more even and easier to run on. Love Wimbledon Common - it's more overgrown than lots of the other open spaces in London, and it feels like you're out in the wild somewhere. Also it has a Windmill, which gives it bonus points. And a golf course, which we ran through the middle of as golfers golfed over our heads.
And I realised my dream, and saw a Womble. An actual Womble. Twice. And I high fived him. And I have a medal to prove it.
Race route was two laps of the common. Great route. Even in the rain. Actually, continuing with my positive theme on the weather, I actually enjoyed the rain. There, I've said that for the first time. It was quite hot, and with the rain it felt a bit like a rainforest. But without the forest. And it was mostly drizzle. But anyway, it was good for running.

Official time 1:47:41 pretty pleased with that! Checked the last time I did a half marathon and it was in 2009.  On reflection, I think it's a pretty difficult distance. It's a long way, so you get tired, but it also feels like you should be running really fast. Whereas for a 5km, you just need to worry about running fast, and for a marathon it's just a long way. This is both.
Did hurt my leg 1/2 mile before the end. Felt like something behind my right knee snapped and it really hurt the rest of the way. Been icing it and stretching it since and it's feeling a lot better now. Hope is just a strain or something!
Really good race. And just realised it's on four times per year! As well as an excellent medal at the end there was also flapjacks and bananas. Perfect!
Days: 30
Total miles: 297.83

Saturday, 30 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 29 Time for Park Run!


Mile End Park Run this morning. Just over two miles there, 5km race, and just over 2 miles back home = 7.55 miles.

2nd ever Park Run - official time was 22 min 43 seconds, which is EXACTLY the same to the second as my first Park Run on the same course weeks ago. Result! Totally planned that. Totally.

Loving Park Run, great events and lovely people there. Definitely worth getting up early on Saturday morning for. Feel smug running back along the canal knowing today's run is done and dusted and it's still before 10am. Mwah ha ha. Home in time for second breakfast. This deserves a louder MWAH HA HA.

Wimbledon Half Marathon tomorrow. Even though Wimbledon seems very close, it's apparently not according to TFL journey planner. Another early morning then...not feeling so smug now. So off to bed soon. In the words of Benjamin Franklin "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Or, and alternative view from Orson Scott Card "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes."


See you at 6am.

Days: 29
Total miles: 284.77

100 Days of Running Day 28 De Ja Vu


This evening ran a half marathon with Andrew to Greenwich Park and back, which is kind of like the weekend run but without the 10km around the park. Anyway, it felt very similar, and it was very beautiful again running along the river to the Royal Naval College and the Cutty Sark .  

My watch got stuck on 4.6 miles for ages. Sometimes it does that. I think it looses satellite signal. The timer keeps going up but the distance gets stuck. It's quite it irritating when you're trying to record everything you do, so you can use it as proof as how far/ how often you've run. And even more annoying when it finally picks up a signal again and 'estimates' where you've been running in the time that it wasn't doing anything, and get's it wrong and says you did less than you have done (and according to the route it made up, I ran through several houses and brick walls during that time). I was done out of 0.2 miles today! I appreciate sounds a bit petty in the grand scheme of things, but it meant that I had to keep running at the end to make it up to 13.1 miles while Andrew got to stop and chill out. That's quite annoying.
I have been pulled up recently on my frequent mention of the weather, which apparently I said I would stop complaining about somewhere near the beginning of all this, but which I vehemently deny saying anything of the sort. I'm British, it wouldn't make sense for me to decide not to talk about the weather. After discussion, it's clarified that I am allowed to comment on the weather in a factual way, as long as I don't express any negative opinions on the state of it. So I can tell you about the weather today, in that it rained all day, until early evening, when it stopped and the sun came out, which is when we went out for a run. And I think that because this is a positive comment, I'm allowed also to say that this pleased me.
Days: 28
Total miles: 277.22

Friday, 29 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 27


Early morning run today as busy day ahead. Up early and swift (kind of) 4.5 miles around Victoria Park. Lovely being up this early with the sun already up and shining in the fountain!

I feel a bit peaceful being here. Which is an unusual feeling. But nice. I’d quite like to go and sit in the Peace Pagoda and contemplate on life all day. It seems like everything moves so fast, there is no time to sit and think about things, and reflect on everything we have that is good. I feels like all the time we are thinking of what to do next, and missing what is going on now. Alas, as usual, there is no time. And I have had no breakfast, so mustn’t think too hard whilst hungry.

Being London, it’s already busy out, in fact, there are more runners out at this time than later on in the day. Like rush hour for runners. But not on a tube. And everyone seems cheerful. And there are no delays, apart from pausing to let some geese move out of the way (if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s never to mess with a goose).

Still feeling good today, even running before breakfast doesn’t seem as hard as it usually does. Although I was pleased to get back for coffee and milkshake time. Things are always easier after coffee.

Days: 27
Total miles: 264.12


100 Days of RUnning Day 26 Twice as Nice

Part 1: Beautiful sunny day. After a few hours stuck inside revising I couldn’t take it anymore and sneaked outside for a sneaky lunchtime run. I admit, this was also motivated by the need to buy a new handbag and something for lunch. Still, I did 3.6 miles and really enjoyed it. I think I’ve reached some kind of critical mass running-wise. The first couple of weeks, maybe more, of the challenge were really tough. My legs were always stiff and heavy and I felt generally a bit tired all the time. I thought this was probably just because of running more than usual, and thought it was probably normal, so I didn’t take much notice. But this week things have changed, and it’s like everything feels looser, like I’ve finally gotten into my stride. So, if my example is anything to go by, and in case anyone is interested, it seems it takes about 3 weeks of doing something every day before you get used to it. So there you go.

Part 2: I went home after Part 1 and continued with revision. I was meeting Andrew later in the afternoon for the actual planned run for today. So ran along Regents Canal to meet in Bloomsbury, then took the path of a drunken bee down to the river, along to Tower Bridge, and a bit further for good measure. Then back to Tower Bridge and up through Brick Lane (via Tesco for another emergency smoothie situation, this time for Andrew - I might make the same mistakes more than once, but not generally as a rule within 24 hours of each other). 10.5 miles tonight, so 14.1 miles altogether today.

Ran past some Shaun the Sheeps on the way. That’s normal, by the way. They are supposed to be here. Part of Shaun in the City tour – a flock of 50 of them are dotted about London. Have just seen they are only here until Sunday, would ewe believe it, and then they are moving to Bristol. I’ll miss ewe Shawn the Sheep when you go. And then they will be sold at auction to raise money for charity. And there will be no more sheep jokes. Ph-ewe.


Days: 26
Total miles: 259.62

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 25


A quarter of the way there today! Awesome run along the canal to Euston Road and along to Regents Park to see the rose garden. Two cups of coffee two kit-kats an hour beforehand wasn't the best pre-run plan. Although it helped with revision for a bit. But then had a big sugary crash. Felt a bit shaky for the first couple of miles, so had an emergency smoothie which kicked in soon after. I should really be better at this kind of stuff. But it wouldn't be a challenge without some additional challenges.

Energy levels stable, made it to the rose garden and even though most of the roses aren't out yet, it's still really beautiful. One of the nicest places to be, so relaxing, and of it smells amazing.

Can't quite believe a quarter of the challenge has passed already. There's been some hard times, but far more good! Especially all the positive messages from everyone - thank you for all your positivity! 

Best named rose!

Days: 25
Total miles: 245.52


Monday, 25 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 24


Today we ran from Andrew's house to meet friends in Highgate. We met Steve on the way and he gave us a running tour of Hampstead Health (you can run for 22 km on here without leaving it! But we were a bit late, so todays run was 6.9 miles). Have always wanted to go here, and now I know why, it's beautiful! Feels like the countryside. It has everything. Even ponds that you can swim in! Sunny day and a new route = good times. I think there is something in this running somewhere new every day, it sure seems to make things seem easier.

Amazing view of London from the top of the hill through the trees. It looks a bit tropical from here, a bit hazy and mysterious, but that's probably all the pollution. Anyhows, it looks nice.

Followed up by Sunday lunch in The Spaniards Inn, a cracking 16th century pub in the middle of Hampstead Heath. Legend has it that Keats wrote Ode to a Nightingale here. Whether this is true or not, is irrelevant as long as the food and wine and company is top class, which it is! Hazelnut profiteroles and caramel ice cream. Yabadabado.

Nice time walking along the streets in Highgate, choosing the house/ car/ dog/ security firm/ landscape gardener I would have if I was rich.

Days: 24
Total miles: 235.72

Sunday, 24 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 23


Funny writing every day, you see the ups and downs you have that normally you just forget about. Yesterday was down, but today was back on the up!

Triple 10km today - we named it a Tri-Run-Athon! 10 km Royal Mail Fun Run in Greenwich Park, plus just over 10km there and just over 10 km back.

Day was a scorcher! Readybrek, fruit salad a tea for breakfast.  Set off at 8.30 and still quite cool. Nice run down the canal to Limehouse, then along the river to the Greenwich foot tunnel, under the tunnel and up the other side to Greenwich. Secret confession: got the lift up (to save legs for race), and in the lift met a guy who we got talking to about the days running....

 Route there

Ran up to the Royal Observatory at the top of the park where race registration was. I am trying to wear my pink top as many days as I can (which is every day where it's not raining and I have to wear a waterproof), so I was wearing it today. The race was organised by Royal Mail in association with the Stroke Association and has the tagline "coming together for a cause." We had been sent out red race t-shirts before the race, and when we got to registration the whole field was filled with red! So I felt a bit underdressed! It was a 5km and a 10km run, and it was so nice, lots of very small people taking part, and families and groups of friends all coming together for a cause. We saw the man from the lift twice on the way around, who recognised us and shouted encouragement - thanks!

Three hills on each lap (and two laps) so quite a tough race! Ran with Andrew the whole way, which brings our 10km beating each other competition up to a draw. Nice medal at finish. Quick water refill and some sweets and then set off back home before the muscles seized up.

 Love you Greenwich!
 10 km route
Then we ran home (this time we ran up the steps in the tunnel, this is true). Really hot by now!

 Route home
19 miles altogether. Nice way to do a long run with a race in the middle, makes it more interesting.
Days: 23
Total miles: 228.82

100 Days of Running Day 22


Bit of a low point today! It rained. Put off fun or ages. Till way past lunch time. Too hungry to run properly. Too cold, then too hot. Same old route. 

Blah blah blah! So in the words of Thumper:

Felt like I wasted a day feeling frustrated by everything. Hate that feeling.

I didn't particularly mange this today, but my Grandad always said this to us, so I will!

Days: 22
Total miles: 209.82

Friday, 22 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 21

Today is 100 Days of Running 21st birthday! Celebrated with a 10 mile long new route, which I found in the Thames Path book. It's an extension of the Thames Path, just in case there wasn't enough of it to do already, and is a loop around the Regents Canal, Hertford Union Canal, the River Lea Navigation, and Limehouse Cut. It's interesting, it's not that pretty, as this is the area around the Olympic Park, which changed a lot I think leading up to the Olympics in 2012. Before this, this area perhaps wasn't the most developed part of town - you can see that from the canals there is a lot of change going on here, it was a bit like running through a building site for most of it - cranes and diggers and new flats going up all around. I suppose it looks very different from how is did before the Olympics and in a few years from now it will be unrecognizable again - so it was interesting to see it part way through it's progress. 

I finished off by running all the way back along the Regents canal to Angel, for old times sake, this was my old route to work. Then I walked back along the canal in the sunshine to stretch out the old leg muscles. 

Days: 21
Total miles: 204.72

Celebrated 21 days with some new recipes. Running every day works up an appetite and I need to be careful to replace the calories I use up each day.

Date flapjacks (makes 12 small squares)
My Nana used to make THE most amazing sticky datey flapjack type treats. I used to hope that she would bring out 'the tin' which she kept them in whenever we went to her house. She lived in a big old house and had a proper pantry, which I never actually liked, as I'm sure it was haunted, and I used to panic whenever anyone went in there as I thought they wouldn't come back out. But on balance, it was worth the risk, to retrieve the flapjacks from their spooky storage place. I never found the recipe she used (it was probably in her head) and have never managed to make them quite like she did. These aren't quite there, but they're quite close, and they taste good, so I'm happy with them!

200 g oats
125 g butter
100 g brown sugar
2 dessert spoons maple syrup
150 g dried dates chopped

Melt butter, sugar and syrup in pan. Once melted, stir in oats. Layer half the mixture in the bottom of a loaf tin. Sprinkle dates over this. Top with the rest of the oat mixture. Bake at 170oC for 30 minutes. 

Nutritional info per 1 square (makes 12)
229 kcal, 11.7 g fat, 5.6 g saturated fat, 30 g carbohydrate, 2.3 g fibre, 16.9 g sugar, 2.5 g protein, 0.01 g salt

Choconutnana Milkshake
I've been drinking quite a lot of milky drinks lately to help with having enough calories to meet my increased requirements from the running. I decided to try to make my own, and this is my favourite. I've been trying soya milk, not for any particular reason other than that I have worked with quite a lot of patients who are unable to tolerate cow's milk, so I tried it so that I could understand what it is that they need to have instead. I actually like it and it works well in this shake! But cow's milk works as well too. 

200 ml soya milk
1 banana (about 100 g)
1 heaped teaspoon cocoa powder
1 heaped tablespoon peanut butter

Put ingredients in blender. Put lid on. Wizz. Drink.

Nutritional info
282 kcal, 12 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 31.5 g carbohydrate, 5.6 g fibre, 18.4 g sugar, 11.9 g protein, 0.4 g salt

100 Days of Running Day 20

Day 20 was a good day! I went to visit my friend Natasha and her beautiful new baby for the afternoon up in Enfield. Much time spent catching up and having ice cream in the park in the sunshine. Lovely afternoon. Had decided to run home, as I thought it looked about 11 miles and it would be a new route to try out. My directions were: turn left and run until I find the Lea Valley, then turn right down the canal, carry on in a straight-ish line until somewhere near the Olympic Park, turn right down the Hertford Union canal, then I should know where I am. I thought this sounded fine, but Natasha was worried the canal would be dangerous, and I would have to run through Tottenham. I was a bit scared about it all by the time I set off, and my Osyter card in my pocket kept springing into my mind. But Natasha's husband gave me better directions, and also an idea for a more busy route if the canal was horrible. Always feel better with a back up plan! 

It turned out to be all fine! There were plenty of people around on the canal path walking and cycling, a few runners, and people on their canal boats. A great bonus was that you can see the Gerkin and the city from way back and it's a great contrast, running though the green countryside, with the skyscrapers on the skyline. The downside is you can see the city for ages, and it never gets any closer. I made it to Tottenham, and out the other side, and it was nice there with people kayaking under weeping willow trees. There was a dog who looked like it wanted a fight, but I passed on the offer. I figured out how to use my phone using headphones, and spoke to my parents which was good to catch up with them. I got a bit lost around Hackney Marshes, but made it out of there with the help of some helpful signposts. Then I saw this!

Yay! According to my directions, I turned right here. That bit of the canal was a bit dodgy, but I found an entrance in to Victoria Park not too far up it, and ran through there instead. And then it wasn't far to home. I slightly underestimated how far it was, and got home in 14 miles rather than 11, but it was still warm and light, and luckily Andrew had saved some tea. 

It makes a difference doing something different. The last few days have been a bit of a slog, running around the same places, knowing exactly how far everything is. Running somewhere new makes things interesting again, and the distances go by more quickly. It's true then that a change is as good as a rest. 

Days: 20
Total miles: 194.72

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 19

I have been having trouble sleeping lately. I discussed this over cocktails with my friend Rebecca last night (cheers!), and we came to the subjects of dreams. Or nightmares. My most recent dream starred a mosquito flying incessantly around my head, getting louder and louder. Then I woke up, but the buzzing didn't cease. At 4.30 am I thought I was going crazy, but then I spotted it, a real life mosquito, over by the curtain flying round in it's little irritating circles. I hate insects. But I tried to be brave and capture it, but that didn't work. I opened the window, and uttered a quick wish to the universe that the mosquito would be a smart one, and head for freedom. By this time it was completely light, so I lay around staring at the ceiling and thinking how nice it would be to be asleep, while listening to the dulcet tones of the mosquito who was completely freaking out about something now, and who was joined in it's symphony by a cacophony of noises from outside the open window. It seems half the neighborhood is already up. Somebody on the canal boat parked opposite seemed to actually be building something - bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Or perhaps they were putting up mosquito nets over the windows. Who knows. 

I found it the next morning hiding a a corner by the window (it had been smart enough to find it, but not so smart as to actually fly out), so I captured it with my trusty spider catcher (fashioned in an previous emergency situation, from a small box and a potato masher) and released it back to the canal. 

I mentioned this the next day to Andrew, who said oh he thought he had heard something, but he thought it was just a dream, so he just went back to sleep. Don't worry, really its fine, I'll just sort it out myself. At least it wasn't a burglar, or an ax murderer, or anything like that.

There is, I promise, a reason for this rambling!  I remembered a saying I heard when I was little that stuck with me, and it seems apt: 

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, you have never been to bed with a mosquito in the room" - African proverb

I couldn't agree more. But if you think, seriously, aside from the mosquito, every little positive thing we do all adds up! I feel like the world is so big, and there is so much bad stuff happening, how can anything I do make anything better? But that's totally the wrong attitude when I think of it rationally! Of course, whatever positive thing we do, however little it is, of course it's helping. However little, it doesn't matter. Everything adds up. As long as we try, we will make a difference. 

Days: 19
Total miles: 180.72

P.S. today's run wasn't massively exciting. 7 miles along the canal to the River Thames and back. It rained. It stopped raining once I got back. Standard. Have some runs planned for the next few days should be a bit more exciting! Legs feeling better than yesterday.

100 Days of Running Day 18

Today was the most dramatic run yet! I had finally persuaded myself to be disciplined and done my revision first before going out for a run. The weather looked good for the day, so I set off mid afternoon in the sunshine. There was a black cloud hovering in the distance, but I chose the ostrich approach, and buried my head in the sand regarding such matters, and jogged on.

My legs were a bit more stiff today. I always find this, the day after a marathon isn't too bad, and every time I think I've got away with it and feel smug, then the next day I wake up and everything is 10 times worse. Running it out does help though, even though the first few miles hurt, I find it helps the legs recover quicker. 

I got to Victoria Park and the sun was shining and people were out and about walking dogs, children playing, park rangers ranging, runners running. Then all of a sudden, there was an enormous clap of thunder and the sky turned dark. And the air went all still for a moment and then a huge gust of wind and ginormous hail stones started to fall! Absolutely huge! They were being flung about the air in a frenzy, much like insults are flung in a double episode of Eastenders. There I was in a little vest and shorts and the hail stones were stinging like crazy. The thunder was cracking all around. I reached a decision. I figured a tree would be a bit like an umbrella, but thinking (a long way) back to high school physics I know you're not supposed to stand under a tree in a thunder storm, as the lightening goes for tall things. I didn't have much choice as Victoria Park, I realized at that point as I stared around at all the tress, is essentially a big forest. I panicked, as I find serves me best in stressful situations, then reached a compromise and went for shelter under a little tree. If physics is right, then the lightening will hit a big tree I supposed. The park rangers drove past in their safe and insulated (and warm) ranger van, and I cowered a little longer under the little tree. Eventually the hail stopped, as quickly as it had started, and I shimmied on home fast as I could to defrost.

Chilly 5.3 miles indeed. The sun came out again as I turned the key in the lock. Lovely. 

Days: 18
Total miles: 173.72

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 17

5 miles today along the canal, around Victoria Park, back down the canal and a glamorous finish outside the Pound Shop on Kingsland Road, where I then went to buy 'essential household items' which was absolutely the last thing that I could think of to do before starting revision. 

Not much to report from today, went out, ran, came back. It rained. I listened to music. My legs weren't too sore from yesterday, but I can tell I did a longer run than usual! Still, I suppose that's how it is, sometime you just have to get your head down and do the job. And go to bed positive for the next day - my Grandad used to tell us all to never go to be being angry with someone. I think this applies to things as well as people - not every day will be perfect, but don't spoil the next one by still thinking about yesterday!

Days: 17
Total miles: 1668.41