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Friday, 31 December 2021

Frozen Phoenix Days 1 & 2, Marathons #193 & #194

A running mini break, between Christmas and New Year breaks! 

Two Phoenix marathons along the river down at Walton on Thames

Wednesday 29.12.2021: Frozen Phoenix Day 1 (#194)

An early start to catch the number 26 bus and a train to Walton and walk to the start at the Wier Pub. Still dark walking along the river! Andrew and me met Sarah, and so commenced chat-athon Day 1. It was rainy and muddy on the towpath today, but if you can't have a bit of rain and mid in deepest darkest December, when can you? 

Today was my 50th event with Phoenix Running. My first events with them were my first ever double marathon weekend in November 2016. Thanks Rik and Phoenix for 50 fun days since then, and for my gold wings and permabib!

Rik has also introduced marathon batons for people who celebrate their 100th marathon at a Phoenix event, and Sarah and I collected ours today. They are very lovely, even if it does bring back memories of dropping the baton on the leg 3-4 handover in the 4 x 100m relay in Year 11 sports day in front of the whole school. 

Blue Bridge route today, which is my favourite. Especially the bit by Walton Bridge which is full of birds. 

Very beautiful by the river in the winter light.

Afterwards, I walked into Walton to try to find some lateral flow tests. This was unsuccessful (it's becoming a bit impossible, and I don't know how I'm meant to go to work safely). So instead I got some nail polish (because if you can't stick things up your nose, at least you should paint your nails) and went to M+S. Then I walked to the hotel, had an M+S picnic, painted my nails, enjoyed standing on the heated floor in the bathroom, and started reading The Psychopath Test (because you can never be too careful about these things). 

Thursday 30.12.2021: Frozen Phoenix Day 2 (#194)

Another chat-athon along the blue bridge route with Sarah and Andrew. So mild for December, no rain today, and less mud! One of the boat houses was being cleared out, and it was interesting to watch the progress each lap, which sounds less exciting writing about than it seemed at time time. Many scenarios were hypothesised including there being an original Monet hidden at the back, and it was actually a daylight robbery. This theory was strengthened by a neighbour recording the whole thing from a nearby garden.

Christmas party with Sarah, Jon and Andrew in the Wier Pub afterwards. Thanks Sarah for my penguins! Many penguin jokes followed, just for the halibut (thanks Mark!). Next time you see Andrew, ask him his seagul joke. You won't be  disappointed. I promise.

Loved having a couple of days pottering along the Thames, waving at the Weir and eating pik and mix, to round off the year. Thanks Rik and Phoenix! It was brilliant to see everyone, and big well done to all runners.

And so, it is the last day of 2021. Another strange one, hey! But a good one running wise with 55 marathons/ultras - 40 "official events" and 15 "unofficial ones". All of them different, and all of them great adventures with great friends, and for that, I am very lucky indeed!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year, and hoping 2022 will be a good one for all! 

Sunday, 19 December 2021

SVN Double weekend - Festive Frolic 50km and Usual Suspects Marathon

A weekend in Gravesend (Costa Del Gravesend) for a pre-Christmas double, to work up an appetite for Christmas lunch (wherever that might be now, with Omnicron doing it's thing).

We had fog! Giving the Cyclopark an unusually ethereal feel. Which was shattered somewhat twice per lap when running past the Christmas Fayre, with music blaring out of the murk, and the smell of burgers drifting on the mist.

Because of this (the Fayre, not the fog), the route was changed from the usual 5km loop, to a bigger one of 4.4 miles, and taking in a fetchingly long and muddy hill. I quite like the new lap though, more trail-y. 

I have been feeling tired lately, and a little unenthused. But I was looking forward to a weekend with Traviss, Rachel and SVN, as I have never done an SVN event that hasn't put a smile on my face.

Saturday (The Festive Frolic) I did a 50km (7 laps plus a tiny bit). I did a quick half marathon with Andrew (who then kept up the pace, big congrats!) and then I relaxed a bit and enjoyed lots of chats on the second half, seeing wee Zico, and a mince pie! It being the Festive Frolic run, there were some outstanding Christmas outfits out and about. My favourite was Katherine's snowman outfit - wow!

Many milestones and achievements reached today, all weekend in fact - big congratulations to everyone!

I love the medal, with it's dangly tank baubles.

Also picked up my coaster from the 10 in 10 - what a fantastic memento of a brilliant experience - thanks Traviss and Rachel! I've now got the White Horse 100 slate/placemat and a am on the look out for events which have other items of dining wear as mementos. 

Saturday night, we stayed in the Travelodge, had a trip to Morisons with Rob, saw Zico again, and had a Morisons picnic. I also completed 3.5 hours of online vaccination training, which I got told on Friday that I need to complete before Monday, as I'm being moved at work to the vaccination team. Hopefully, my attention span and memory weren't affected too much by running 50km, and I took in all the important points. Fingers crossed!

Sunday, was the Usual Suspects run. Today was a chat-athon with Sarah and Andrew, and was the best fun - thank you, you two! As usual, topics of conversation were wide ranging, and included racing pigeons (please, if anyone knows about racing pigeons, I have questions!!), crisps, posh pepper and the planned posh pepper empire, fudge, giving vaccines (don't worry Sarah, I have the "amended" question sequence memorised!), what comes before Part B (PARTAYYYY!!!), Christmas decorations, mice we have met on runs, turkey hits (= hurty bits = Andrew's injuries), and mud. Loads of the "usual suspects" out, and fab to see everyone. Today the fog seemed foggier, the cold was colder, and the mud was muddier, but there is a warm feeling inside when surrounded by friends!

Today, I got my 1000 mile SVN hoody! 

Thanks Traviss, Rachel for all of your support, good cheer, and encouragement, and for making each of the 1000 miles special, I have loved every one, and here's to the next 1000! And thank you for this weekend, and all of the SVN Team - you're brilliant.

Well done to everyone, and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all! 🎄🎅⛄

Monday, 13 December 2021

Band of Runners Rocking Around the Christmas Track with Zig Zag Running, 12.12.2021 (marathon #190)

My first marathon on an athletics track.

I don't have particularly positive memories of athletics tracks. At school when running on the track, I was either being shouted at, or beating myself up internally that I was getting shouted at and that I wasn't good enough. And in track sessions with my old running clubs....pretty much the same. Although, in fairness, by that point it was probably my earlier memories and perception of what people thought about me, rather than what actually was real. 

Consequently, it is difficult to express quite how much I was looking forward to 105.5 x 400m laps of this! Particularly after a fabulous cheese and wine evening with the lovely Rob (and wee Zico - thank you guys for the best night!) the night before, and having 3 hours sleep....

I think it's fair to say that I probably found today the toughest of any day of running for at least the last several years. Afterwards, I felt quite upset about this. But on reflection, that's OK. Not every day, or even every period of time, can be a good one.

Plus, even on tough days, it's wonderful to be surrounded by friends old and new. Thanks Sarah and Andrew for running round in circles! And Gavin, who I was lucky to spend a good few miles talking to for the first time, and I enjoyed hearing his running journey and stories - an inspiration for sure. And everyone else on the way round too, so many friends there today for the Band of Runners Christmas Marathon! Aside from the bits of being on the track today that I found difficult (long list below), surely the biggest positive is that your friends are within sight at all times! It was fun to see a sea of assorted colours of Santa hats bobbing around the track, and Band of Runners shirts! And thank you to the most convincing Santa (aka Rik) for the on track surprise Freddo! I will also remember whooping, singing, blowing kisses, and ne-oooring (racing car noise, not sure how to spell it) when aligning with certain people! Plus hearing Christmas party music blaring each time we passed the timing mat, throwing in some dance moves, and resisting jumping in the water pit for the steeple chase each lap.

I suppose there were a few things that made it hard:
1. Clearly, I am no longer cut out for Christmas partying and marathoning within 12 hours of each other (in that order anyway, the other way around is still within my capabilities). 
2. I should never be so stupid as to wear cheap non-running trainers to run a marathon in, just because my other shoes need replacing but I didn't have time to get new ones yet, and it's "on a track, so the surface must be nice". If I ever read this in years to come, let this be the message to my future self - please, never do this again!!! I have taken a photo of my feet as evidence for the future, but will spare you seeing it. Around 1/4 of the bottom of my left foot was a blood filled blister, and the right foot wasn't much better. It hurt to run from about 3 miles in, and I was miserable about this - I am sorry to my fellow running partners, who probably also ended up feeling miserable due to spending so long with miserable me. 
3. I think I am still tired from last week's 10 in 10, although I felt like I was, or felt like I should, be OK from it.
4. I also think I still have some way to go to stop comparing myself to others, and probably myself as well, in some ways. That's an easy thing for me to fall in to, and I have lately, and being on a track where you can constantly see others, and your place on the track, and your time, made it even more apparent for me. I might not be at my best right now, despite trying hard, but that's OK, really. We are all floating along through life on a sea, and must ride the waves up and down, and accept that not all waves will be up waves. Waves are a terrible comparison for me, as I am terrified of the sea. I can just about bear the thought of being in the wave pool at Center Parcs, but that's about it.

Still, I will have another opportunity to try to conquer the track at the Phoenix Track 24 in March!

And I have a very riveting Garmin route to look at.

And of course, I will remember the positives and forget the bad bits within about another day anyway (once I can stand on my feet again and stop being reminded of it). And I bagged another event without a fall - that's 13 in a row now! And all within a month, so both the achievement of remaining upright for this long, and the number of events in a month, are both records for me. 

It was my first event with Zig Zag Running, and I will be looking forward to doing some more of their events, especially the trail ones. Lovely and friendly and well organized, and afterwards there were hot drinks and cakes for everyone - I really enjoyed the whole atmosphere. Thank you!

Sunday, 5 December 2021

SVN Winter Seaside Series: Day 10/10

What a holiday! Absolutely loved it, even despite staying in a freezing shed for 9 nights!

The TiT (Ten in Ten) is complete!

Today was day 10 of 10, and it was a brilliant day. 

At the start, chatting away with Karen and Jackie, Dave pops over, and out of a DryRobe pocket gives Jackie (all time Queen of Fudge) a block of white stilton with fudge! I must have looked interested...

Dave: "Amy, do you like stilton?"

Me: "Why, yes, I do!"

Dave: puts hand into other DryRobe pocket, and reveals another block of fudge stilton. "Here, I have a spare block, and I don't like stilton, so you can have this!"

Me: "Wow! Thank you Dave!"

And thank you Zandra and Dave for the Gu gels to try out today as well, you guys are really so kind.

Ran the first half with Zandra and Dave, before Dave sped off on a fabulous finish to his TiT! Ran the second half with Zandra, and brilliant to see her complete her first TiT! You are amazing! Thanks so much for the lovely company on the days we have run together, and your never ending smiles and positive nature! Andrew was never far away, speeding up and easing off as his leg allowed on the different gradients. Absolutely and totally made up for him to complete his first TiT and to finish so strong. He's always been saying, he could never do one, as he would be too likely to get injured. And he did pick up a couple of problems, but still completed it regardless, which makes it all the more impressive, I think, to do something like this when dealing with pain as well. Top job, and super super proud of him! He's a MASSIVE TiT, and now it's official! Also, he completed his 10 ice-creams in 10 days challenge, which similarly is hugely impressive, especially on the the days of the storms/ freezing weather, where he still pushed on, even sitting next to the heater in the cabin during the ice-cream moments if necessary.

Did a 50 km today, and lucky enough to spend some time chatting with Simon and Rob, Jay, and Roy in the last 5 miles, and the finish came too quickly, I didn't want it to be over!

The weather was pretty much kind today, which was very lucky!

Have really enjoyed spending each day with the other TiT-ers and all the runners who have been there on different days. Seen some amazing milestones reached during the 10 days, and a privilege to be there to see them. Spent time with some very great friends, and made new ones along the way. Going to miss it all tomorrow. It's such a lovely thing to be part of, such a great community of people supporting each other, and I'm so lucky to be part of it. Well done to everyone on whatever challenges/ whatever days you ran, you are all awesome! Thank you for all your support, memories made, and great times we have shared!

Over the 10 days, I did 5 x marathons and 5 x 50 km, which is 286.5 miles, the furthest I have ever done i in 10 days. My Garmin says (I think, you know I am useless at data) that I have done 22,507 feet of ascent, and burnt 26,549 kcal!

Huge thank you to Traviss and Rachel and Team SVN for a fantastic series. It must take an incredible amount of work to put this on, and always you are so smiley and encouraging at all times and in all weathers! Can't wait to see you again very soon!

Saturday, 4 December 2021

SVN Winter Seaside Series: Day 9

Day 9: Dark Iron Challenge, 04.12.2021

After yesterday's palava with cold hands, I was worried this morning as it was freezing and raining again. But, Traviss and Rachel gave me some handwarmers at the start, and saved the day! Thank you so much, you guys are the best!

Ran with Zandra today, on the 5km sea wall loop. Fab day, and the laps flew by. Rain stopped on the second lap, and the sun soon came out and it turned into a beautiful day. View from sea wall for the first lap was cloud, second lap was overwhelmingly grey (grey sea, grey sky, grey wall, grey cliffs, grey boats), third lap was a bit more colourful, and fourth lap onwards was bright blues and greens of all hues. Beautiful! Saw some people climbing the steep paths on the cliffs, but by the next lap they had disappeared, and I really want to know where they went! Heard a helicopter for ages but couldn't see it, but finally it appeared over the cliffs and foew off towards Dover.

After loosing bits of two bottles, I am now using a 1L tonic water bottle, for which I am, quite rightly, receiving much abuse about drinking gin and tonic for my hydration during runs. In other nutrition/ hydration news, had some Percy Pigs (Christmas version!) as a treat today. 

Did a 50km today. Definitely today I noticed my legs starting to feel more tired than last weekend, but other than that, am feeling good, and loving the suprise 10 in 10. Andrew is doing amazing, and now seems sure to become a massive TiT tomorrow!!!! (officially)  For borh running and ice cream challenges (mint choc chip today). We got upgraded to green numbers today! 

Last lap highlights included being beaten up the railway hill by a little cow, whilst a big cow did a poo right in front of me at the top of the hill. Thanks guys, so supportive.

Thankyou Zandra for the lovely company, Traviss and Rachel and SVN team for a fab event, and big well done to all runners!

Friday, 3 December 2021

SVN Winter Seaside Series: Days 6 - 8

Day 6: Advent Challenge,  01.12.2021

Felt a bit rough last night. Stupid cold, won't go. But a hot toddy helped - felt much better this morning! Was the flatter route in Samphire Hoe today, 5km loops, up and down the mini rollocoaster hills, up the big roller coaster hill to run by the railway line along the nice sheltered path, though the wasteland and back. Did a bit of a quicker pace today for a marathon with Andrew, and all felt good for day 6. Nice weather too, and beautiful views over the sea. 

Advent Challenge meant lots of fancy dress out (I am ashamed of my lack of attempt at themed outfits this week) and Christmas goodies on the aid station (mince pies, yum!). The medal is so lovely, an advent calendar with a moveable magnet!

After the run, it was time for the cafe trip for crumpets and latte, plus Andrew's daily ice cream (he has corrupted Rachel too!) Then it was off for another Mall trip, and a drive to St Margaret's at Cliff - down a steep windy road to the beach at the bottom. Felt a bit like Ventnor in Isle of Wight. M+S meal for tea (mac n cheese) in the cold wooden shed, which to be fair, seems to have warmed up, a bit. 

Day 7: Mega Challenge, 02.12.2021
Back on the big loops today (8.8 miles each). I couldn't wake or or warm up this morning, the temperature has dropped again, so wasn't sure how I'd feel running. All was fine once got going! Got running with Zandra and Andrew from the start, and it was a great day running together in the sunshine. Loved it! Ran an extra loop at the end with Zandra to do a 50km. 

The guy in the cafe had bought in extra crumpets especially for us. How nice is that! Had a nice chat to him about stuff, and found he has run half marathons himself. Whenever I eat crumpets now I am going to think of Samphire Hoe.

Have hit the point I remember from my last (and only other) 10 in 10, where its getting sad to think there's only a few more days of this routine, in this place, with these people. Funny that almost one week ago, we were arriving at the cold shed, freezing from running in the cold, and getting more freezing from being inside, and wondering what kind of holiday was this.... 

Day 8: Lucky Dip Challenge, 03.12.2021
A bad weather day again today! Raining and chilly. Back on the 6.55 mile laps around the Hoe, then up on the cliffs, x 4 for a marathon. Sad that Alice is injured, missed her today!

Up on the cliffs there were no views whatsoever for most of the time (running through clouds), the wind blowing a gale, and with it blowing runners all over the path. Occasionally the cloud would lift, and an atmospheric moment would appear briefly beneath the clouds. Wooo. Found the bottle that fell unnoticed out of my bag yesterday. Couldn't get warm. Fed up of my hands being so cold and painful. Seems to be worse each year. Had a tantrum in front of a sheep at the beginning of lap 3, when I had a glove change but my hands were so cold I couldn't get the new ones on. Mr Sheep stood his ground, cocked his head to the side, and gave me a piercing look, as if to say I should really pull myself together. Having apparently reached a point on day 8 of taking guidance from a sheep, I got the gloves on, and got running again, just trying to keep a decent pace to keep warm. Hands warmed up. I then lost the top off my other bottle in the tunnel - plip plop, it rolled off into the darkness, never to be seen again. Saw Mr Sheep again at the beginning of my last lap, and apologised for my earlier behaviour. I said, I'm sorry if I alarmed ewe. Saw Baywatch briefly, but he was mostly sheltering or eating grass in the mist today, his beautiful mane and tail looking slightly bedraggled. 

Amazing to see Elaine complete her 700th marathon today, the first British lady to do this.  History is made! Absolutely incredible.

Andrew with his daily ice cream, and with his outfit twin Traviss....

Pick n Mix medal day today. SVN have so many beautiful medals its too hard to choose between them, but after several minutes of deliberating (I almost went to find Mr Sheep to seek his advice) I plumped for the Teddy Bears Picnic, to remind me of the beautiful weather today, which would have been just perfect for a picnic. 

8 done....2 to go.....

Thanks Traviss and Rachel!