My Background

Sunday 16 June 2019

The Victoria Park 10 km - 16.06.19

Today was fun. I ran the Victoria Park 10 km with my friend Mel. I have known Mel for about 6 years, from the time I was living in Leeds. She is a fabulous friend, and I am so lucky to have her. There was, however, a point that we always disagreed upon. Running.

There was many a time when I would be putting on my trainers to go out for a run in Leeds, when Mel would give me a look, and, I quote, say something along the lines of "you will never see me running / I can't run / I hate running / WHY!!??"


You can see where this is going.

Mel is now a runner!

Through a difficult time, she has found running as a way to meet people, and to help feel better physically and mentally. All of the things I bang on about all the time, and it is so just totally brilliant to see a friend find the benefits too. 

I am so so proud of her! And very excited to be able to run together! 

Victoria Park is my local park, and I can't believe I've lived here for 5 years and never done a race in it. It's shameful. It was time to put this right. I'm glad I did as it's a great place to have a race. Big open spaces, trees, flowers, nice paths to run along. Plus, the weather is always good there. Ha ha! Only kidding! It absolutely chucked it down for the full half an hour before the race. Having a shower beforehand was POINTLESS, I should have left it till now. I don't know WHAT is going on with the weather this week, but EVERY time I have been out of ANY door I have got COMPLETELY soaked. It's JUNE, for crying out LOUD, and, so I CAN STOP USING CAPITALS this weather can DO ONE, and ACT LIKE IT'S SUMMER.



As soon as the race started, it stopped raining, and was quite nice for running in. So I apologise for my previous statement, and shall write in lower case from now on. The route was three laps around part of the park. It was a well organised event (which, as it was organised by The Race Organiser, would be logical), with great support, lots of nice people there, and was a lot of fun. Mostly because I was running with Mel, who did a top job, and did a PB to boot!

Before the run, we saw Matilda the musical last night. 

I absolutely LOVED this book when I was little. Capitals again, sorry. Still wound up about the weather. I mean, I absolutely loved this book. And it has some great advice, that's still relevant as an adult, I'd say.

I think I'm guilty lately of not doing things by halves always, as I am scared I won't get away with it (not, like, bad things, just things, you know, stuff you want to do - like runs and what not). Sometimes not doing them at all, for fear of failing.

Seeing Mel do this, which is something I know she thought she couldn't do before she started, really made me think again, that you just have to try stuff, and go for it - and look at how brilliantly she did, and all the great things that can happen along the way!

You have to grab life by the balls, and try it out! (I found this great collection of big shiny balls at Kew Gardens, incidentally, whilst we're on the subject): 

Well done Mel! Proud of you! Here's to the next one! ..........

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