My Background

Saturday 22 June 2024

Phoenix Running, Titanic Too, 29.5 miles (16.07.24) and Running Miles, Jubilee Races 3, 31.4 miles (20.07.24)

I've had a nice couple of ultras during the last few days.

For some reason, I've felt pressure lately to always be trying my best and proving to myself I am "doing well", and getting frustrated with myself when I think I can't. I finally managed to neutralise these thoughts, concluded that nothing matters, and so I ran like I felt, and felt like I loved it.

Helped by some (finally) sunny and warm days!

Phoenix Running, Titanic Too, 29.5 miles, 16.07.24
9 laps on the Hampton Court loop, the first three being chat-a-laps with Sarah, which was great fun as always, and flew by!

The sky was bright blue (save for a few minutes where it turned stormy and poured down), and the trees and plants were a rainbow of beautiful greens. I love green, really I do. So many shades! It was quite mesmerising, tootling along, the greens sailing past, like a kaleidoscope.

It was good to see so many friends out in the towpath. I felt much better for a good long run. Running is indeed the best medicine.

Thank you Rik and Team Phoenix for a great event.

I did the no medal option, so here instead are some paintings in the theme of green.

Running Miles, Jubilee Races 3, 31.4 miles, 20.07.24
Going out the night before perhaps wasn't the best preparation for a run, but on the other hand, I was well fuelled by a generous helping of pistachio tiramsu and a healthy amount of white wine, and my core muscles had had a good workout from much belly laughing.

So it was off to Slough, to the Jubilee River, for a run with Running Miles.

The day was a beauty. Not a cloud in the blue sky. Green parakeets flying overhead with their trademark screeching. Green and blue was the theme of the day. I know I go on about this, but everything just seemed so vibrant. Perhaps it's because it seems like it's been such a long winter without sunshine, and suddenly its here, everything seems much brighter. And all the endless rain has resulted in all the plants being healthy and lush. The blues and greens were so intense, it felt like running in a paint pallet.

I set my intention again at the start, to enjoy myself, and that's what happened.

I love this course. It's all along the Jubille River, and next to fields, with some views of Winsdor Castle. 6 laps, and it was hot hot hot! Lovely. A nice gang out, and thanks to James for the lap of chats (and the cake!), it was great to catch up!

Thank you Rik and Running Miles! 

Monday 10 June 2024

Summer Fun Friday Marathon with Phoenix 07.06.24 & South Downs Way overnight 56.5 miles 08.06.24

Phoenix Fridays, Summer Fun Friday, Marathon, 07.06.2024

A full chat-athon on the Blue Bridge route with Sarah. 

A lovely sunny day for a nice run, where a wide range a chat topics were covered off. Work angst. The calorie content of 2L of Baileys. Crop tops. Etc.

Lovely smelling, freshly laundered wrist bands. Into The Dirty Box! Cakes. Happy Birthday Eddie! Fresh shrimps and pretzels. Refreshing lemon squash. Dora the Explorer on the aid station. Dimitri out for the first 3 laps, enjoying the sunshine. Towpath maintenance underway ahead of the regatta tomorrow. 

Sore feet for Sarah and me....time for new trainers! I really should start taking a closer interest in monitoring how many miles my trainers do, rather than waiting for their holes, and my blisters, to get too big to bear. 

Thanks Rik and Team Phoenix!

Girls on Tour, South Downs Way Overnight 56.5 miles, 08.06.2024

New shoes (trainers) for a girls night out (on the trails).

Caught the train from Victoria to a very dodgy looking destination....

AKA, Amberley, to meet Tara at about the half way point of the South Downs Way.

Started off with tea and cake at The Riverside Tea Rooms.

Set off about 4pm for 56.5 miles to Eastbourne, for final destination - BREAKFAST.....

...along the way, having dinner with a view...


....sundown cocktails (with some inquisitive cows, and followed by a trip through a film set, and some spirited rounds of "A-Z of" and "in my rucksack I have")....

...and pre-breakfast, on the way to the Seven Sisters.

Wildlife highlights included "Sunrise over cows"...

..."bear encounter practice" ahead of upcoming Canada trip...

....a barn owl swooping overhead (and the rarer, wooden owl)....

...lots of pigs....

....and a white horse....

And, in botany class (trying to get better at this)....a heath spotted-orchid.

Getting to the Seven Sisters in the early morning was magical.

Happened to do this on the same day as the Centurion SDW 100, which I didn't realise until just before. So lots of company, and inspiring as always to see people in the last half of a hundred miles digging deep and getting it done - well done to all! I've never done a Centurion event yet, but it seemed really friendly and well organised with great support.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Phoenix Running, Run with the Ro, 29.5 miles, 01.06.2024

Celebration report: Up early, to head over to Walton-on-Thames for the "Run with the Ro" run, to celebrate Rohan's 100th marathon - big congratulations Ro!! Then, afterwards, caught the 458 bus from Walton town centre to Staines (love finding a new bus route!) to see Katherine at the end of her 100th Marathon at the Saturn run in Staines. Lots of celebrations afterwards - huge congratulations Katherine!!! ðŸ’›ðŸ’™ðŸ’›ðŸ’™
Weather report: Lovely day. Bit breezy, but nice and warm. 
Route report: The Blue Bridge route.
Snack report: Shrimp shortage! But strawberry flumps replacement.
Wildlife report: Dimitri - out on the path by 8 am. A record early rising, surely? 
Chat reportDue to different schedules, only managed a half chat-athon with Sarah, which I guess makes it a "ch-ath" or an "at-hon" ? Either way, it was fun run! Thanks Rik and Team Phoenix for a great day.
Leg report: I felt sort of OK after the 100 miler last weekend, apart from my legs were feeling a bit heavy, and after a few laps seemed quite annoyed at me for trying to do a long run again already. On the plus side, I've been feeling sick all week, but that went away after the run, as did my migraine, so not all bad!