My Background

Sunday 19 May 2024

Phoenix Fridays Cheese n Wine Friday, Marathon, 17.05.2024

On Friday,  it was back to the towpath for a sunny chat-athon. It was three weeks since my last chat-athon with Sarah in Madrid, so there was a lot to catch up on, and also a lot to moan about. Friday marathons are slightly turning into therapy sessions, and I wouldn't be suprised if Sarah will soon start charging.

It was nice and warm, and quite humid. The plant life on the towpath has taken off, and has become almost jungle like. With parakeets screeching overhead, it was all quite tropical. 

No Dimitri sightings. But starting early meant we were finished by lunch time, which is probably still too early for the world's laziest cockeral. 

Last big run before the LDWA Speyside 100 next week.

Happy Sunday all! 

Wednesday 8 May 2024

LDWA 100 recce weekend (03-04.05.24) + Milton Keynes Marathon (06.05.24)

End of May is the LDWA 100, this year The Speyside it was time to recce some of the route and a trip up to Scotland to see family. Thank you to Andrew's Mum for putting us up, and driving all around random places!

Friday 03.05.24:
Route: We did 4 sections of the route, from Dufftown - Aberlour - Tamdhu - Advie - Cromdale. Lots of the route was along old railway routes and along the Speyside Way. Very beautiful.
Distance: 29 miles.
Weather report: Sunny! Hot!
Distillery count: Literally lost count.
Wildlife: Escaped cow (this is the second bolting bovine encounter I have had of late). Highland cows! Lambs.
Snack of choice: Vegan nutty choc balls (from my birthday bag, thanks Ruriadh and family!). Starbursts and mini Pringle (aka Twingles) bags (thanks Tricia!)
Bog report: Nil - woo!

The gate the cow broke through!


Saturday 04.05.2024:
Route: We did another 4 sections, from Grantown-on-Spey - Cromdale - Balcorach - Tomintoul - Glenlivit. Much hillier and wilder than yesterday.
Distance: 29 miles
Weather report: Misty, but mild
Distillery count: 2
Wildlife: Lambs, deer, distillery cats
Snack of choice: Vegan chocolate (next treat from my birthday bag), peppermint slice in Tomintoul!
Bog report: Radioactive looking bog! A keeper for my Bog Calendar 2025, for sure.

Monday 06.05.2024 - The Milton Keynes Marathon
Route: 2 different laps around MK, starting outside the MK Dons stadium and finishing with a lap inside it.
Distance: Marathon
Weather report: Warm and overcast, nice to run in, with some showers at the end
Distillery count: Nil, but alcohol free beer stand at the end!
Wildlife: Moo Farah (got a hug!) and the other MK cows
Snack of choice: Veggie Jerky (thanks Alan!)
BLOG report (as NO bogs): Loved to see so many running friends out today. It was a brilliant atmosphere for sure. Congratulations to Steve and Theresa (Team Edwards), on the new World Record fastest 1000 marathons!! I ran the first few miles with Craig and had a good catch up, which also resulted in having BeyoncĂ©'s "if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it" song in my head for 26 miles. TWENTY SIX. Just that one line. I enjoyed the run very much (other than the broken record in my head), which I was pleased about, following a bad experience here last year. The MK marathon has the best supporters and motivational signs - my favourite sign was "your feet hurt because you're kicking so much ass!" And my favourite cheer from the crowd was " GO, FLOWERY PERSON!" (I was wearing my flower top), and second favourite "YES! GET IN! LET'S AV IT!" Great to catch up with Alan afterwards with coffee, snacks, and a chat in the rain! A fabulous day all round.