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Sunday 27 August 2023

SVN AIME Day 7 (50km, 25.08.2023) and Phoenix Prosecco Run (marathon, 27.08.2023)

Adventures in Middle Earth Day 7, SVN, 50km, 25.08.2023

50km Friday! Another adventure to the Cyclopark (Middle Earth) with Sarah, to join in the TiTs on their day 7/10. Lightening Bolt route today, so 9 and a bit laps to do 50km.

The weather was nice for running in. Bright and sunny but with some clouds (like in The Simpsons) and it was cooler than last weekend. This route has lots of different sections, and is super easy to break up into little bits, so I quite like it. Always new things to see on each lap when you look....even new sunflowers had grown by the end! 

The aid station was extra especially brilliant, and I think I must have eaten the equivalent of a whole fruit salad during the run!

Nice to catch up with many friends, and see our fabulous spirit runners. The theme of the day was barbie/princesses, so there were many tutus and tiaras, and much fabulousness, out on course. Thank you, James, for my amazing princess cake!!

Well done to the epic TiTs, as you complete your journey into Middle Earth! And to Rachel, on marathon #200!

Thank you Tills, Rachel and SVN Team for a great day.

The Prosecco Run, Phoenix Running, marathon, 27.08.2023
The trains put a bit of a spanner in the works....but via a bus to Waterloo, a walk over the bridge...

....a train to Surbiton, meeting Sarah, and catching a bus to Denbies, we made it to the start in time!

Had an absolute blast running 8 laps around the beautiful vineyard, chatting, laughing, and having a Moet lap on lap 5 (hic). I now will refuse to complete any marathon without it involving a glass of champagne. 

Another epic aid station, with prosecco and gin!

Denbies is so pretty, against any background; which today was bright blue sky, then fluffy Simpsons clouds, then thunder clouds. Good to see the grapes looking big and juicy, the elephant vines waving their trunks, and scissor-hands tree with a nice looking hair cut. I love the 3.2 mile loop - it's super hilly, has amazing views, and it's just lovely running all through the vines. 

Being immersed in beautiful scenery and with amazing friends, it was a brilliant Sunday indeed. Congratulations to Ingrid on marathon #200 and Ann who did marathon #75 to celebrate her 75th birthday! Thank you Rik and Team Phoenix!

Plus a journey back to Surbiton on the world's most random bus! Thanks Sarah for more chat-athon-ing! 

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