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Sunday 29 September 2024

SVN Thankyou Run, Marathon, 27.09.2024

This weekend is the last weekend of SVN events before Rachel and Tills hang up their Race Director hats - they have been a really big part of my running journey, so I have mixed emotions of feeling very sad that SVN has come to an end, but also really happy for Tills and Rachel to be starting on their next and exciting chapters! 

Travel report: On Friday, I pottered over to Gravesend, via an almost all dry walk to Kings Cross, the fast train (almost missed it), and then a very, very wet and uninspiring walk from Gravesend to the Cyclopark. 

Weather report: The weather carried on being terrible all morning, so Sarah and I completed/swam a marathon through puddles (which turned into lakes) and streams (which turned into rivers), but that just makes it all the more memorable! 

Physical wellbeing report

- Our legs seemed to be feeling fine after last week's 100 miler, which I was (and am still) very excited about (I always think they will stop working/ fall off), and it was a really good run.

- Due to wearing waterproofs, we resembled boil in the bag fish by the end (actually, by quite early in), and had the sensation that we had evaporated somewhat. 

- We also had hostage (aka sausage) fingers from getting cold/hot/on repeat.

Snack report: The aid station was as amazing as always, and as it was our last time being treated to this level of awesomeness, we had a chocolate treat per lap. I will miss Rachel's rocky road (but I feel it is dangerous she has shared her recipe!).

Wildlife report: squirrel count - 2! Bedraggled dogs - many.

Post run report: its worth getting all wet and horrible, for how nice it feels to change into dry clothes! Orange hot chocolate for the walk (now dry) back to the station, to head back to London to meet Andrew for Humble Crumbles at Spitalfields market (thank you Sarah for my Christmas voucher!) 

Reflection report: I will miss SVN! I've done 47 of their events since 2016, and 6 of my 100 mile + events have been with them. Andrew and I also did an "accidental 10 in 10" with them in the winter of 2021, which is still one of my favourite/ most memorable holidays ever, and I will never think that ice cream is just for the summer ever again. It's been nice looking back through my reports of these events, I don't often look back at what I write. So many happy memories, and many friendships made! Thanks you Tills and Rachel for everything! And now, it will be great to hopefully share more adventures with you both on the trails :-) 

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