My Background

Monday, 24 February 2014

Countdown! 7 weeks!

Weeks training:
Monday 17th Feb: walk 2 miles, run 8 miles
Tuesday 18th Feb: walk 3 miles, run 3 miles, gym (35 min cycle, core exercises), run 3 miles
Wednesday 19th Feb: walk 3 miles, run 7 miles
Thursday 20th Feb: rest day
Friday 21st Feb: run 7.5 miles
Saturday 22nd Feb: rest day
Sunday 23rd Feb: walk 15 miles
Total: 51.5 miles

Only 7 weeks to go! The evenings are getting lighter, my last two runs were absent of any rain, my new trainers are still mud free after a whole week, and there are snowdrops. In 5 days it will be March and spring will be here! Good times are coming!


Did a 15 mile walk with my Mum and Dad yesterday. A good practice, in case I need to walk at the end part of the race. They walk very fast and very far. 15 miles in 4 and 3/4 hours! My legs are sore today. Argh. 

Muddy boots...

...but happy walkers!

Have also got a new core workout thing from runners world so have been doing that at the gym. That hurts too. Moan moan moan.......

Feeling focused now though! Can't believe how close it is already! Nothing like a bit of fear to get you out I'm off for a run....

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