My Background

Sunday, 9 February 2014


Monday 3rd Feb: rest day
Tuesday 4th Feb: walk 3.2 miles, run 10 miles
Wednesday 5th Feb: walk 3.2 miles, run 7.1 miles
Thursday 6th Feb: 45 min spinning class
Friday 7th Feb: run 21 miles (to train station, and around Malham Cove)
Saturday 8th Feb: walk 6 miles (around Bakewell)
Sunday 9th Feb: run 7 miles

Total: 57.5 miles

This week has been mostly spent cleaning my trainers after every run because everywhere is so muddy. 

I have been feeling a bit deflated this week. I think partly because the weather is getting a bit depressing, and also because after having a good week last week, I think I maybe am getting withdrawal symptoms. Oh god, I'm going to turn into one of those obsessive people who runs five times a day and never goes out. 

Anyway, I have started doing this thing where you get a jam jar and every day you write something positive on a piece of paper, maybe something nice someone said to you, or did, or something that made you smile, and you fold it up and put it in the jar, and then at the end of the year you tip them out and read them, and it reminds you of all the good things that happen. So, maintaining my positive line of thought, some good running things that have happened this week:

1) I'm doing way more miles than I was a few weeks back and feeling good so I think I'm getting used to it
2) Even back at uni am still managing to fit it in. And by walking there in the morning (unless it's raining, which is most days, to be honest) that avoids weird people on the bus and endless traffic jams 
3) Have seen some really nice new places - Malham Cove and Bakewell on runs/ walks this week
4) Am back at running club
5) My Mum and Dad have bought me new trainers! :-D Big thanks!!! 
6) Only 9 weeks till The Woldsman!!!!
7) Not quite sure how this happened, but have been persuaded by my running club to do another ultra marathon in July. Bring on The Lyke Wake Challenge!!! Argh!!!

Pictures from Malham Cove Run - 21 miles (of mud)

Pictures from Bakewell Walk - 6 miles (of mud)


  1. Life is good, you'll need to get a bigger jar (like the ones giant pickled onions come in !). Maybe even a bucket. Now about the Lyke Wake Challenge ? I can't run it but I've always wanted to walk it.

    Dad has the information on the Lyke Wake walk! You can read it and see what you've let yourself in for when you come home. Should be good if a group of you are doing it. Is it really only 9 weeks to The Woldsman! Eeek - have to keep up our training.
    Yorkshire mud looks as muddy as Lancashire mud. There's far too much of it about this year. Trust the new trainers will only be used on dry mud free runs??(well for the first couple anyway).
    Here's to another week of happy muddy running.

    mum xx

  2. Enter it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the last year that it is being held, because it's been going for ages, but all of the volunteers that help run it are the same ones who have always done it for years, and they would like to hand it over, but there are no new people coming through who could take over. So this is it :-( Last chance!

    Here's the application form and everything. Basically all you have to do now is sign it ;-)

    Its a 12 hour time limit, so that's 3.5 miles per hour. But maybe if you wanted to take a bit more time over it they would let you start earlier (because it's a handicapped race)? Or you could walk the same route over a couple of days at the same time? I would give you my finishing t-shirt to prove you did it.

    There is going to be a team from the running club doing it, a few people do it every year, so it sounds fun.

    Yep, 9 weeks. Focus focus focus team!

    I am not running anywhere dirty in my new trainers. Probably just round the living room, until it stops raining and the mud clears up. Ugh.

    Happy muddy walking to you too :-)

