My Background

Wednesday 7 September 2022

The Tiree Ultramarathon, 35 miles, 04.09.2022

A brilliant adventure running around the whole of the island of Tiree!

I've spent lots of time in Scotland, but have never visited a Scottish island, so I was looking forward very much to this event and trip. For a long time actually! Stephen, a friend of Andrew's (and now I am lucky to have as a friend too!), had had the idea, and got the ball rolling almost a year ago.

Friday after work, Andrew and I got a flight from London up to Glasgow, where Stephen kindly put us up for the night, and cooked a delicious homemade seafood paella to get carb loading underway. Thank you Stephen for everything this weekend!

Saturday morning, the three of us headed back to Glasgow airport, to catch a flight with Logan Air over to Tiree. It's about a 50 minute flight, on a very tiny plane (only 14 seats on board!). 

Sat at the gate, there was an announcement that the plane was overweight, and so the airline had to take off two passengers who were booked on the flight. They were two guys who were meant to be running, so altogether it was all a pretty rubbish situation, and I felt so sad for them.

The weather was not great for Saturday or Sunday morning....
So the flight out was pretty bumpy, and I have never been so happy to be back on solid ground, even if the solid ground was mostly covered in water. It was pretty exciting though, and there were some great views.

We caught Angus's Dial-a-bus to the Tiree Lo
dge Hotel, which is in Gott Bay, and where registration, and the start and finish of the event was, so it was a pretty handy place to stay!

After checking in, we went for rainy run along the beach and in to Scarinish, where the Co-Op was, to get some supplies. On the way back, after visiting Gott Bay Pier, it started to rain even more, and one of the other runners driving past in his campervan with his partner and dog stopped and gave us all a lift the last couple of miles back, which was super kind, thank you!

Picked up our numbers, goody bags and maps at registration. 

Then for an early dinner at the hotel, to complete our carb loading with some Cullen Skink and lasagne. 

The race started at 08.00, on the beach outside the hotel, so it was definitely the shortest journey to race I have ever done! The weather was looking somewhat mixed for the run....

...but our spirits weren't dampened! There was a piper at the start, which always makes for a stiring atmosphere. Met up with Stephen, who has been injured, so was part of the event team and marshaling at Checkpoint 2, and who was about to head off over there.

The route was a whole lap of the island, anticlockwise this year.

It was a run of two halves weather wise! The first half was rainy and windy. I didn't take many photos, as my phone was wrapped up and waterproofed. Then, about half way there was a magical moment where the wind finally blew the rain away, and the sky changed to a bright blue with the sun high above, so I got some new tan lines to add to my summer running look.

It was the most beautiful run, and I absolutely loved it. We ran along 14 beaches, along trails, through bogs, over some hills, and along small roads. It was varied, and a lot of fun! 

The different terrains made for quite a hard run, but it was brilliant. I only had one moment in "Happy Valley" near Hynish, where I had a small tantrum as my GPX route failed me and I for some reason kept missing the marker signs, so kept heading off up extra hills and bogs. I was very frustrated with myself, and kicked a tuft of bog in my mini tantrum, which turned out not to be a bog tuft, but actually quite solid. Now with a sore foot to distract me from my woes, it occurred occurred me that I might be hungry, so I had some crystallised ginger and a salt tablet, and perked up a bit, and got back on track.

Soon I got to checkpoint 3 where the lovely marshals gave me some jaffa cakes and I filled up my water. The last 9 miles were all along beaches or roads, so were easier to run on. Big thanks to the lady on the beach about 7 miles from the end who gave us orange segments and told us "there are no more of those stupid bogs and hills!", which was exactly what I was hoping to hear!

The last part along Gott Bay to the finish, seeing the finish line get closer and hearing the piper (who was piping everyone over the line) get louder was just magic!

I'd been really nervous beforehand, that I wouldn't be able to do it, so I was so happy to finish in 6.08 and come 7th in the ladies. It was a tough course, and big well done to everyone who gave it a go! And thanks to Will and Tiree Fitness and all the amazing marshals (especially Stephen!!) 

Veggie haggis pizza at the Tiree Lodge bar afterwards followed by the Cèilidh (and stargazing) at the Scarinish Hotel was a great way to spend the rest of the day!

I loved the whole weekend, which had a real festival atmosphere to it, and everyone was so friendly.  I would 110% recommend it, and hope to be back soon!

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