My Background

Sunday 22 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

Week 1 done! BOOM!

Mon 16th Dec: 6.06 miles, middle 4 at 10 mile pace; 49:27 min; 8:09 min/ mile average pace; 515 kcal
Tues 17th Dec: 5.10 miles easy jog; 43:51 min; 8.34 min/ mile average; 433 kcal
Wed 18th Dec: rest
Thurs 19th Dec: 30 min bike, core work
Fri 20th Dec: 6.98 miles, middle 3 at marathon pace; 63:44 min; 9:08 min/ mile average pace 593 kcal
Sat 21st Dec: 10.00 miles, steady running; 91:54 min; 9.12 min/ mile average pace; 850 kcal
Sun 22nd Dec: 10.02 miles steady running; 90.26 min; 9.00 min/ mile average pace; 851 kcal

All good so far. Worst part was starting core work again, but this looks to be even more important when running longer distances, so better get back on it. Unfortunately I had a cold at the same time - sneezing hurt.

So next week is CHRISTMAS! Merry Christmas one and all!

This is the plan for next week, but obviously it is the season to be jolly....may not go entirely according to plan....

Mon 23rd Dec: 5 miles easy jog
Tues 24th Dec: 7 miles , middle 4 at 10 mile pace
Wed 25th Dec: Christmas Day 
Thurs 26th Dec: 7 miles, middle 3 at marathon pace
Fri 27th Dec: rest
Sat 28th Dec: 90 mins steady
Sun 29th Dec: 90 mins steady

1 comment:

  1. Don't think the weather has read your blog! 5miles easy jog??? Nothing would be easy today, strong winds, horizontal rain, cold??? Wise move to revise schedule and do an hours workout in Morrison's, weight lifting bottles, joints of meat,bags of spuds not to mention loading trolley, unloading trolley at till, bagging up said shopping, putting in car, unloading and putting away!!! Phew. Good job you could carb load while having a pre Christmas lunch!!!! Tomorrow is another day although having seen the forecast it could be a wet 7 miles!!
    Mum x
