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Tuesday 5 October 2021

The Jersey Marathon, 03.20.2021

It was so good to do a big marathon again, my first "big" event since going to Malta to run the marathon there, in March 2020, just before the pandemic. I think about Malta a lot, and talk about it a lot too! We were so lucky to get there, just before the world changed, it's been a little boost to think about it all the way through the lockdowns. I remember it was the first time I saw anyone wear a mask, and at the airport in Malta they were checking everyone's temperature on arrival. But that was about it, really, and those things all felt a bit "odd" and not like anything was really much a threat. It's funny to think now that that was only 18 months ago, and how much has changed since then. Anyway, it has, and it was great to get on a plane and go somewhere different again! Albeit only for about 36 hours, but still!

Andrew and I got up at 03:00 and caught an early morning flight on Saturday...

... and met Dave at St Helier in Jersey. We headed for breakfast (crepes)...

And then to registration to pick up our numbers. The marathon is a big event in Jersey, but it's still pretty small and low key, so nothing like the London Expo (congratulations to everyone who ran London, and other marathons, this weekend!). I loved it - totally chilled out and all very easy and friendly!

The weather had taken a turn, so instead of heading to the castle (which is accessed by a walkway at low tide, or a boat) which was shut due to the winds, we headed to the Jersey War Tunnels instead.

Then, it was time for an early carb-loading dinner (and ice-cream) at Bella Pasta, before heading back to the Purple Palace to prepare for the big day!

The marathon started at 09:00 and the start was only 10 minutes walk from the hotel, so there was plenty of time for posing around. 

Great atmosphere at the start. As well as the Marathon, there was the Marathon Relay going on (teams of 4 doing the marathon - it's a big thing in Jersey, competition between the teams is fierce!) and the Marathon Mile. I love the buzz of city marathons at the start, the air feels electric!


The first mile was through the streets of St Helier, and the streets were lined with people, so was a great way to get going! Then, the route headed out of the town for a few uphill miles, across the middle of the island, until at about 10km in you get up towards the north of the island and have great views over the north coast. Through lots of pretty villages with great support in each one! I ran with Andrew for the first 10 or so miles, before he sprinted off to do a great run, and to try to catch Dave who had sprinted off at the start! They both did brilliant runs/ times - hurrah chaps!!

The route then goes up into the north westerly corner of the island, before heading back south and past the airport (whilst a plane was taking off!) and then through a trail section to the south west corner of the island (where the La Corbiere lighthouse is, which I managed to miss). From there, it's back along the roads in a bit of an uphill section, before a nice downhill trail bit, where I fell over AGAIN. I had been worried all week I wouldn't be able to run because of my calf that I hurt the last time I fell over. My calf turned out to be fine, just a little niggle, but no pain. Then, to celebrate this unexpectedly fast recovery, I fell over again and landed on the same leg! Huge thanks to the man who was running near me at the time who stopped and helped me up, and the lady who stopped to make sure I was OK. Runners are so kind. My calf had a massive cramp when I tried to stand up, so I would have struggled to get vertical again without their helping hands and kindness. After a little walk it seemed to calm down, and I could run again. Just have another gash to my knee, and it's now seeming sure that I will never be a knee model. 

After this eventful section, it was back to the coast at St Aubin, and then along promenade for the last 5 km or so, around the bay back to St Helier. This bit was nice with loads of support, but I was feeling it by then, and the castle seemed to take forever to get any closer! 

The weather for the whole run was beautiful after the stormy weather yesterday and some showers at the start. The last 1/2 a mile though was out along the coast path towards the castle, and by tall buildings, and the wind was something else, like being in a wind tunnel (in the wrong direction)!

I started far too fast for me, getting caught up in the crowds and being pulled along by the other runners for the first half, and I paid for it in the second half! But, it felt good to push myself more than I have lately, and I managed to get back in under 4 hours, admittedly not particularly convincingly with 3:59, but as my last sub-4 was pre-Covid, I'll take that! 

Then, it was to the race marquee for the famous post race "Burger and Beer"....

What a great event, I will definitely be back to do it again, and I highly recommend it! Thank you to the organisers and all the volunteers and supporters all around the course - such great hospitality and support the whole way around, and really well organised! 

And thank you Andrew and Dave for a fabulous weekend! And especially Dave for letting us use your room after we checked out, and for sharing your 5 hours worth of Jersey Coach Tour knowledge with us during the weekend! It was the best weekend adventure!

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