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Thursday 6 April 2023

Phoenix Running 10 in 10 Series, Day 6 (Adversity Ring), 29.5 miles, 06.04.2023

Day 6 of 10 days! 

I feel a little boost now that we are over half way, as there are less steps to go now than we have already done (unless we suddenly start taking very tiny steps).

Am actually feeling good; no issues to complain of yet! 

I think in part this is due to my post run routine, which I am trying to stick to, whether staying at home or the Travelodge. This includes a post-run recovery shake, mint tea and cake/sandwich, a walk, shower, sorting out (aka faffing with) my kit bag, washing things, repacking, massage gun-ing and Deep Heating my legs, organising outfit for the next day (coordinating with Sarah), and using my portable foot spa! 

The weather today was very different to the last few days; much milder, and quite muggy. Cloudy, then bright sunshine for a lap near the end, then the sky went dark and soon after finishing, it chucked it down. Thanks Andy for the lift afterwards, saving us from concussion from giant hail! Staying in Walton tonight, and there is currently a storm. Exciting! 

Wildlife report: We were cheered on/ heckled by birds along the route. Heard a woodpecker. Saw a mini Swan Spa with just two swans a two ducks. No midges until the sun came out, then they continued on their self-destruct mission of flying in our faces to get squashed.

At the far end turn point, there were some workmen building a fence, who were very supportive, and had good tunes on their radio, which was very motivating. There were also some men from the Environment Agency measuring a hole with a tape measure. 

Boaty McBoatface (the boat house on the opposite side of the river, whose side looks like a face because of the things hanging on it - with two black eyes and red nose) was looking a bit glum today. If a boat/oar is parked under it, it can look happy or sad depending on the type of boat/oar, but with nothing there, it just looks glum. Poor Boaty.

Random running chats included what would it feel like to run with fake boobs, fish fillets, "Always Tuesdays", and what noise does an emu make (Google informs that emus make deep booming, grunting noises).

So another 9 laps, and 29.5 miles, for ultramarathon #6/10. 

The medal today is the Adversity Ring. The yellow ring. Yellow was Hannah's favourite colour, and so we wore our Royal Marsden vests today.

Thank you so very much everyone who has sponsored me! Incredibly, INCREDIBLY kind! My justgiving page is HERE!!

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