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Saturday 8 April 2023

Phoenix Running 10 in 10 Series, Day 8 (Indomitable Ring), 29.5 miles, 08.04.2023

Day 8 of 10 days! 

Today Sarah and I started earlier, at about 7am. It was a misty morning, and it was very atmospheric for the first couple of laps. Couldn't see the other side of the river, or who was running towards us until we were almost right next to each other! 

Some photos from the walk to the start...

After about 08.30 the sun came out and the rest of the day was beautiful; what a day! Sun cream on - felt like being on holiday!

Today was genuinely, belly-laughingly, really good fun. When I first started doing marathons, running and belly-laughing were not two things I would have put together in a sentence, but now they are, and that makes me happy. Over the last 8 days, I've got to spend time with great friends, and made new ones, and we've all been on a challenge together, and I'll have so many memories of good times along the way.

Lots of chats and catch ups on the way round, and some miles with Clare and Peter, Richard, and the last half lap with the lovely Ben.

We did the east bound route today, and our Wildlife Report reads: no midges, no sausage dogs, hardly any swans, one woodpecker. The birds were in a more supportive mood today, and their tweets sounded more encouraging, compared to the swarking/ heckling from a couple of days ago.

Towpath update: "Mud Alley" is back, after the rain from a couple of days ago. And the fence at the far end turn point that was being built on Thursday is now complete. Boaty McBoatFace is still looking glum.

Celebrations today! Congratulations to Victoria on her 100th Marathon, and Stephen for hos 100th Half-Marathon! There is so much cake on the aid station!

Still feeling good 8 days in, which is good news. Sticking to my post run routine, although my foot spa (AKA washing up bowl) has cracked, which makes the foot spa part a bit tricky. Other than that, I think my feet and legs are actually getting looked after better than usual! 

So another 9 laps, and 29.5 miles, for ultramarathon #8/10. 

The medal today is the Indomitable Ring. 

Thank you so very much everyone who has sponsored me!!! My justgiving page is HERE!

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