My Background

Thursday 18 April 2019

10 marathons in 10 days, day #6/10

Day #6/10, for the Adversity Shield.

Adversity is made to be overcome, right?! Today really felt that way! 

Managed to sleep full 6 hours last night, woop woop! Woke up at 4.30 so headed to start early and had some tea and toast at the Weir pub by the start. My stomach still felt a bit sore, but it's been OK today. Such a relief! 

Despite the sleep, am starting to feel tired, and the legs start hurting earlier round the laps each day. Keep getting niggles, and worrying they are something serious, like today the back of my right leg suddenly hurt in lap 6. And then my mind runs away with me (at least my mind can still run well) and before I know it, I'll be injured and won't be able to finish, and will never ever run again. So far, my body has proved my mind wrong though. And as per today's mind is lying, so it can do one!

Today's present is nuts, which I don't know whether to take personally or not.

I get to this point each day, and think I'll never be able to run again tomorrow, but so far the next day I feel a bit more normal again, so if I could actually still move enough to cross anything, I would cross everything that that will carry on at least a bit longer. But I can't, so I'll just hope. It's like running in general I suppose. When I first did marathons and felt bad, I'd think that was it for the whole race and I'd give up mentally and beat myself up. But now having done a few, I realise, everything passes. My foot might hurt for a but, but it will ease off, then my leg might hurt, but then someone will say something to distract you, you'll get back to the end of the lap and get another wrist band, and things will seem better again. Funny, hey!

Today was Sarah's birthday and it was like a big party - amazing cake, bunting, the works - big Happy Birthday Sarah!!!  

Although it hurt and was hard, today was fun. Lots of chats and laughs on the way round. Every day I think my fellow runners, and the Phoenix Team, are more and more amazing. So kind and encouraging. I could never do this without seeing them X 2 per lap. They are such a great support. I felt a but emotional sometimes today, for the first time. Although this is hard, it is so amazing to be doing it, and I am so happy to be able to try to. I will miss it, and everyone, when it's over.

But that's ok, because there's still four more days left! FOUR MORE DAYS. Which is FOUR MORE MARATHONS. Oh my word. Help.

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